Vera — DevLog #1

For this first devlog, I want to address the concept for the game's design and mechanics. Originally, I had wanted the main character to be a hamster that transformed into a mech, since the size differences between the two would be drastic to have a different styles of platforming. However, the idea of having a hamster in a mech sounded oddly familiar. Soon I realized, that the exact character described Wrecking Ball from Overwatch. I later decided to change the main character into a corgi due to its rising popularity, cuteness, and small and oblong shape, which I thought would be interesting to incorporate into some platforming levels (such as burrowing into narrow tunnels). I then based the mechanics off the two forms of these characters. A mech in every way is much larger than a corgi, so naturally, it would be slower, heavier, and less vulnerable than the vanilla corgi. This would be good for some puzzle elements such as weight actuated switches and tanking hits. The corgi alone would be more nimble but vulnerable compared to the mech suit. This way, vertical and speed based platforming would work better in this form.  For future development, I hope to add  collectible parts to improve the mech and provide more functionality to the mech.

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